
Living SPEAK guideline used internally to share same structure and code style. It is work in progress and you are welcomed to pull request it.

Dialog definition storage

The following guidelines apply to dialogs created by Sitecore for release as part of an application created in SPEAK.

  1. Place dialog definition items under the application’s Settings/Dialogs folder.

  2. Use the Speak-DialogPage as a template for your dialog definition item.

  3. Create any files required for your dialog underneath the application folder in the file system, in an appropriate folder that corresponds to the dialog definition items in the content tree.

Platform dialog definition storage

The following guidelines apply to dialogs created by Sitecore for release as part of the Sitecore platform which are not part of an application created in SPEAK (for example, dialogs displayed by the Content Editor).

  1. Place dialog definition items under the /sitecore/client/Applications/Dialogs folder.

  2. Create any files required for your dialog underneath the …\Website\sitecore\shell\client\Applications\Dialogs folder.