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The following guidelines apply to JavaScript for components.
General guidelines
- Follow the All Language Styling guidelines.
- Avoid exposing the Global object.
- Do not use the Window object.
- Use RequireJS to express dependencies between JavaScript modules.
- Use regular assignment to assign value to properties.
- Get and Set work, but are not as readable.
- Use the $ prefix for jQuery objects.
- Use camelCase when naming functions and variables
- Comment all code using JSDoc style.
- Do NOT check in “commented out” code.
- Verify usage of “this” in event handlers and callback functions.
- Use Speak handler to reference assets rather than direct URLs.
Component-Specific Guidelines
- The model should expose all appropriate parameters.
- Declare all public properties in the model’s
- Since manipulating the DOM is slow, always separate DOM manipulation code from other code and ensure that you manipulate the DOM only once.
- Create helper functions for manipulating the DOM.
- Use properties when data binding can express a change, and/or to express values in the components parameters item.
- Use events when unable to use data binding or require more complex processing than data binding supports.
- Code must pass JSHint validation using the following configuration:
curly: true,
eqeqeq: true,
immed: false,
latedef: true,
quotmark: "double",
noarg: true,
forin: true,
newcap: true,
sub: true,
undef: false,
boss: true,
strict: false,
unused: false,
eqnull: true,
node: true,
browser: true,
expr: "warn"
- Only reference components from PageCode or other components.
- Use an event emitter to communicate between a component and a custom module.