How to help

Sitecore Community Docs are hosted on GitHub

In order to contribute, all you need is a GitHub account! Fork the docs repository, add or edit a page, and make a pull request. We will merge in your changes or ask for changes.

How to add an article

  • Create some folders. Folder structure determines URLs (simple!) - if you want to create an article under /xdb/facets, create a folder named xdb, a folder named facets inside that, and an file inside that
  • Include the following code at the top of your page:

      layout: default
      title: How to help	

    The title variable will be the title of your page.

  • Write your article using Markdown - please put all images inside the images folder in the top level directory - feel free to use sub-folders.
  • Make a pull request to merge in your changes; we will review the content and publish it. That’s it!

What about navigation?

Navigation is only semi-automated - each section’s navigation tree is stored in an individual .html file inside _includes folder in the top level directory.

  • To add a page to an existing tree, just edit the relevant HTML file.
  • To add a navigation tree to a particular page, add a category to your page frontmatter:

     layout: default
     title: How to help	
     catgory: mvc

    Have a look in _layouts\default.html to see which category displays which navigation tree.

    • To add a brand new section with its own navigation tree, copy one of the files in _includes, construct your tree, and edit the logic in _layouts\default.html to display the tree when the context page has a certain category set. Make sure it hasn’t already been used!

When you are inserting links or images, use /docs instead of - this ensures that the links will still work of the base URL changes.