xDB and Experience Marketing

The xDB was introduced in Sitecore 7.5, and is the scalable alternative to the single SQL analytics database of old. The xDB introduces a dependency on MongoDB , but you can also opt for Sitecore’s xDB in the cloud service.

xDB Architecture

Overview of xDB Architecture

An overview of all xDB components and how they fit together, including some example scaling diagrams.

Session State

An in-depth look at session state and what role it plays in the xDB.

The xDB Contact

What is a contact?

A visitor to Sitecore is known as ‘contact’, and their information is stored in the MongoDB analytics database, which is the data collection component of the xDB.

Extending a contact

A contact facet is a property of a contact, such as their name or job title. The default list can easily be extended.

Engagement Automation

Creating an Engagement plan

How to create an engagement plan, and what happens to the tree structure in the background.

Debugging an Engagement plan

How to make sure that you engagement plan works as expected - debugging with the xDB.


Extending Experience Analytics reports

Generating Analytics Data


Experience Profile

Experience Analytics

Launch Pad